Paper Orders Due: Wednesday, November 8th (hard date for SilverGraphics*, Baking Mixes No Later Than Monday, November 13th)
Online Orders Due (SilverGraphics* only): Monday, November 13th

Click here for flyer
Click here for SilverGraphics supplemental order form (PLEASE submit supplemental form WITH original order form)
(*Late paper orders WILL NOT be accepted for SilverGraphics. If you miss the November 8 deadline, you can place an online order through November 13, to be shipped free with School’s order or, you can order at your convenience, shipping charges will be applied.)
Anticipated Order Delivery: Early-Mid December; details to follow closer to the pick-up date.
Payment: Cash, or Checks or Money Orders Payable to: Demarest HSA. (There will be a $20 charge for returned checks.) you can put both orders in the same envelope and/or together, if writing one check for all orders. PLEASE make sure envelope(s) are sealed.
Questions/Additional Information: Contact