Order Forms and Money Due: EXTENDED to Wednesday, February 21.
- Cash, or Checks (please include name & grade of student and a phone number) or Money Orders Payable to: Demarest HSA. (There will be a $20 charge for returned checks.)
- Please return payment in a sealed envelope.
Online Ordering:
- Open until February 20th for Free Shipping to School with Main Order, Group Code 102522. You will be responsible for picking up these orders on pick-up day from the school.
- Out-of-town friends and family can choose to send their orders directly to their home (shipping fees apply). With this option, orders can be placed now through Sunday, March 25, 2018.
Have any questions, or need additional information or order forms?
Contact Laura Clifford fundraising@demaresthsa.org or (973) 356-9507 (call or text)