The Demarest Halloween Costume Parade will be happening on Monday, October 31 starting at 3:00PM. Halloween class parties will be held on the same day. Parents are welcome to watch the parade around the perimeter of the blacktop and the sidewalks around the building. However in the event of inclement weather, the parade will be held indoors and not open to the public.
A few things to note about costumes:
- Students are permitted to wear costumes in school, but should come to school dressed.
- Costume masks may not be worn and any makeup must not interfere with student recognition.
- Please make sure that costumes are not too scary for our younger students.
- Costume weapons (swords, guns, etc.) of any kind are prohibited.
Students will loop around the building and then return to their classrooms to retrieve their backpacks and then will be dismissed through their usual exits. We look forward to seeing you there!
Have a Happy & Safe Halloween!