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Busy Busy Busy

plantsaleflyer2016Just a little housekeeping for the next couple of weeks …

Tricky Tray: we’re SOLD OUT, and no more admission tickets are available for sale. You can still buy pre-packs of the raffle tickets at a discount until Thursday, though, so reach out to a committee member if you need some. See you Friday at the Hanover Manor!

Budget Meeting: we made a mistake in the newsletter, and the correct date for the budget meeting is Thursday, June 2 at 7pm in the library. Please join us! It’s the best way to understand where all our fundraising dollars go, and to influence our priorities for the upcoming school year.

Barnes & Noble Bookfair: Next Thursday we’ll be having a fun night of reading and sharing at the Clifton Barnes & Noble – Mrs. Todaro will do a reading, a local author will read his new work, Demarest kids will be performing and sharing their artwork. Nearly everything you buy at B&N that night will raise money for the HSA, so don’t forget your flyer!
(Standard-Bookfair-Flyer-with-Vouchers-BW pdf)

Movie Night: Our Annual Family Movie Night will be on Friday, June 3 – and this year it’s FREE! We’ll be sending out a survey soon to choose the movie, and you’ll still have to request tickets to reserve your space (in case we have to move into the gym). Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase.

Spring Cleaning Day: Our Annual 6th Graders’ Car Wash, Beautification gardening event, and Spring Clothing Drive are all happening on Saturday, June 4. Bring your dirty car filled with gently used clothes and toys, drop ’em off in the parking lot before you get your car washed, then do a little planting and mulching around the school grounds – it’s a win win win!

Thanks for all your work and support!
