Volunteer Opportunities with the HSA
Do you like to eat? Who doesn’t? Sign up now to bring snacks to an upcoming HSA meeting or event. Contact hospitality@demaresthsa.org to volunteer.
Ongoing Opportunities
Many of the parents involved with the Demarest HSA work full-time, and all of us care for young children and have competing demands on our time. But there are ways for busy parents to get involved, even if you work full-time. If you aren’t able to help during the day, consider signing up to help with the Fall Social in October, Vendor Night in December, the Tricky Tray in the spring, and Spring Social in April. Lend a hand, and you might just make some friends while you are at it.
The best way to find out what’s happening is to attend our meetings, which are held at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the month during the school year. (There are snacks!) Visit our Calendar to learn the time of the next meeting or event. The HSA also organizes the class parents program at Demarest. Most classes have four volunteer class parents who plan four in-class parties during the year — for Halloween, winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, and the end of the year. If you’d like to make a contribution for the next party in your child’s classroom, contact one of the class parents. If you don’t know the class parents, just ask around on the blacktop, or send a note through your child’s teacher. If your child’s class has fewer than four class parents and you’d like to volunteer, contact the class parent committee or talk to one of the class parents. (To sign up for next year, watch for an announcement at the end of the school year.)
The HSA also plans several fund-raising events and activities throughout the school year. Sign-up sheets are available at Back to School Night each year, but don’t worry if you missed your opportunity then. Just contact the committee chairperson, as listed on our Contact Us page. The major events — Fall Social, Holiday Shop, Book Fair, Plant Sale, and Spring Social — all have their own committees. To volunteer for any other events, contact the Fundraising committee, or ask the co-presidents who’s planning the event.
You can learn more about how our organization is structured by reading our Constitution and Bylaws. You can also learn what we’re up to by following us on Facebook or signing up for our email list.