The Demarest “Take Me Out To the Tricky Tray” will be held on Friday, March 28, 2025.
You can now purchase tickets. All the information for the event can be found here.
Purchase a table ($240) or Individual tickets ($30/ per person)
(Tables seat 8 – If you have a full table, It will be reserved for you.)
Otherwise tables are on a first come, first served basis.
We have two pre-packs available for purchase (prices go up the night of the event).
Snacks and Non-Alcoholic Drinks will be available for purchase.
**Alcohol IS NOT permitted on school grounds.**
Return ticket order form to your child’s teacher and include FULL payment, NO LATER than Wednesday, March 5th. Checks should be made payable to: Demarest HSA (There Is a $35 fee for all returned checks).
TTTicketFormDownload PDF: